Tobias Bjerregaard


Tobias Bjerregaard

Dr. Tobias Bjerregaard, PhD, MSEE, MBA

Synopsis Corp.


Master of Electrical Engineering specializing in Solid State Physics, Technical university of Denmark (2000)

PhD in Asynchronous Circuit Design and Networks-on-Chip, Technical University of Denmark (2005)

MBA in General Management, Copenhagen Business School (2017)

CEO and founder of startup Teklatech, acquired by Synopsys in 2018. Part of Fusion Compiler R&D leadership 2018-2022 managing the Clock and Placement teams. Currently Sr Director of AI at Synopsys, leading a group of AI R&D teams across the US and Europe that explores, develops and markets new EDA tools based on advanced, state-of-the-art AI technologies. Products developed in the group include,, and the Copilot.


Talk at SIE 2024:

AI – The Next Revolution in Chip Design Automation


Last update 12 June 2024