The School


International School for Ph.D. Students on “Electronics for Health”

24-26 June, 2024 | Genoa, Italy



The current developments in biomedical and life science electronics include a move toward ultra-low power portable/implantable devices as well as enhanced micro- and nanoscale integration and novel system-level solutions. Significant advancements can be expected at the interface of artificial and biological systems. Such advancements will require but also facilitate, a deeper understanding of biology, and in turn, they will lead to new bioinspired engineering solutions.

The 2024 SIE Ph.D. school "Electronics for Health" goal is to foster research, development, education, and industrial dissemination of knowledge relating to the emerging fields of microelectronics and system-level approaches in biological and medical applications.   
The Ph.D. school is interdisciplinary, incorporating knowledge and skills from the biological sciences, medicine, and nanotechnology as well as domains more commonly connected to electronics, such as analog and digital circuits and systems.

In summary, the 2024 SIE Ph.D. School hosted by Genova, targets to give an up-to-date perspective on cutting-edge systems, technologies, and approaches to enhance healthcare.   
Thanks to eminent talks from renewed speakers and semiconductor representatives, both academic and industrial views will be shown.


Confirmed Lectures

International School for Ph.D. Students on “Electronics for Health and Security” - Genoa, 24-26 June, 2024

Notice: the classes will be taught in English.

Host: Prof. O. Aiello, University of Genoa


Due to the closure on the occasion of the city holidays, classes on Monday 24th June will be held at Sala Adriatico of Hotel NH Collection Genova Marina.

On Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th June, classes will be held at the Meeting venue, the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) of the University of Genoa.


Monday 24th June

08:00 08:50





08:50 09:00

Prof. Maurizio Valle

University of Genoa

Institutional greetings

09:00 10:15

Prof. Stefania Campopiano

University of Naples “Parthenope”​

Fiber optics for healthcare sensing

Coffee Break

10:35 11:50 

Prof. Piero Tortoli

University of Florence 

Electronics for medical echographic systems

11:50 12:50

Ing. Marco Masini

Analog Device

Ultra low quiescent PMIC for wearable-healthcare applications


14:10 15:25

Prof. Andrea De Marcellis

Università dell’Aquila

Optical Wireless Communication Systems for Biomedical Implants: Basics and Advances of Biotelemetry

Coffee Break

15:45 17:00

Dr. Alessandro Zompanti

Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome

Electronic Interfaces for Biomedical Applications


Tuesday 25th June




08:45 10:00

Dr. Chiara Bartolozzi

Italian Institute of Technology

Neuromorphic Technology for Robotics and Healthcare, from Circuits to Applications

Coffee Break

10:20 11:20

Ing. Francesco Borgioli


MEMS Sensor featured with a Potentiostat for Biosensing



Prof. Alfio D. Grasso

University of Catania

Ultrasonic energy harvesting and communication for implanted medical devices


13:45 14:45

Ing. Marco Bianchessi


Microelectronics in nucleic acid sensors (RNA, DNA). Past, present and future prospects

14:45 16:00

Prof. Simone Benatti

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Connecting the humans, HMIs for wearable medical electronics

Coffee Break

16:15 17:30

Prof. Massimo Barbaro

University of Cagliari

Neural Stimulation Devices for Implantable and Wearable Applications

Free time till 19:45


Social Dinner at Il Tondìn Restaurant

How to reach the venue


Wednesday 26th June




08:30 09:45

Dr. Emanuele Cardillo

University of Messina​

Biomedical Applications of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radars

09:45 10:45

Ing. Pierluigi Gardella


Accelerate Digital Healthcare through Edge AI

Coffee Break

11:05 12:05

Ing. Samuele Fusetto


A power efficient device, tailored for MEMS-speaker based hearing aids

12:05 13:05

Ing. Emanuele Depaoli


How high speed communications are playing a key role in modern medical analysis

Final Lunch