

The Meeting

The oral presentations of sessions on Thursday 27 will be in English; if no foreign attendees will be present, the presentation could be in Italian. 

All the posters should be preferably drafted in English.


Wednesday June 26, 2024 – Morning

10:00   14:00





Wednesday June 26, 2024 – Afternoon

14:00   14:15


Prof. Ernesto Limiti

SIE President

Dr. Mario Mascia, on behalf of the Genova Major

Welcome address












Poster Session I

14:15   16:15

The European ICOS Project for International Cooperation

14:15 Introduction, L. Baldi, Chips Mirror Group Italy

14:25 Presentation of the ICOS project, Dr. F. Balestra, G-INP

14:45 Economic analysis of the EU & international semiconductor ecosystems, Dr. L. Saint-Martin, DECISION

15:15 Technology Highlights in Advanced Computing, Dr. R. Duffy, Tyndall

15:35 Technology Highlights in Advanced Functionalities, Dr. M. Pfeffer, FhG

15:55 Italian activity for the Chips Act, Prof. E. Sangiorgi

16:15   16:45

Coffee Break

16:45   17:45


Invited Talk

Dr. Tobias Bjerregaard, Synopsis Corp.

“AI – The Next Revolution in Chip Design Automation”

17:45   19:30

Free Time


Welcome Cocktail

Galata Museo del Mare Roof Garden


Thursday June 27, 2024

08:50   10:30


Oral Session I

Area: 4

Chair: Domenico Caputo





Poster Session II

10:30   11:00

Coffee Break

11:00   12:40

Oral Session II

Area: 3 – Area: 5

Chairs: Simona Donati Guerrieri, Antonio D’Alessandro

12:40   14:30


14:30   16:10

Oral Session III

Area: 1 – Area 6

Chairs: Andrea Bonfanti, Giorgio Spiazzi




Poster Session III

16:10   16:40

Coffee Break

16:40   18:20

Oral Session IV

Area: 2 – Area 7

Chairs: David Esseni, Massimo Ruo Roch

18:20   20:00

Free Time


Gala Dinner

Villa del Principe


Friday June 28, 2024

09:00   09:45

Invited Talk

Prof. Luisa Petti, Univ. Bolzano

“Unconventional Electronics: Enabling Seamless and Sustainable Integration”





Poster Session IV

09:45   10:30 

Invited Talk

Prof. Michele Giugliano, Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia

“Broad band cortical neuronal ensembles

10:30   11:00

Coffee Break

11:00   11:15

Lucio Colombo, Managing Director, STMicroelectronics Italy


11:15   12:45

SIE meets the Companies

Ing. Federico Boero, FOS Spa

Ing. Filippo De Stefani, Leonardo Spa

Ing. Michele Chiabrera, Inventvm Spa

Dott. Alessandro Ingrassia, Canovatech Srl

Ing. Giacomo Bernardi, Synopsys Spa

Ing. Miriam Piacentini, Infineon Technologies Italia Srl

Ing. Angelo Mazzone, Analog Devices Spa

Ing. Gabriele Minoia, Marvell Spa

Ing. Domenico Cristaudo, NXP Spa

Ing. Chiara Di Baldassarre, ALLdata Spa

Ing. Vincenzo Sellitti, Ansaldo Energia Spa


12:45   13:00

Recognition and Awards

13:00   14:30


14:30   16:00

Assemblea SIE

16:00   19:30

Free Time

19:30   23:00

Social Dinner

Boccadasse Village

Vittorio al Mare Restaurant